B Sides are what we call our oops...damn I forgot to label these piles. Bsides come without lids because they are at our cost to make them so the extra 59 cents for a lid seems stupid. Enjoy my mental brain deadness. These come in adorable tiny amber jars. Perfect if you are want to try one of our new scents out. These are recommended to burn for 1 hour and blow out, let cool for 5 hours before relighting. Burn times vary. These will give an idea of the scent but will not be representative of how strong a full size candle would be in your home. Due to the tiny wicks they have a tendency of not burning the same as our full size candles. Please note that we recommend these to be used on an electric wax melter and not necessarily burnt.
Candles - Hemp Seed Oil Wax, Natural Fragrance Oil, Wooden Wick
Wax Melts/Wax Meltins - Coconut Soy Wax, Natural Fragrance Oil
Room/Body/Linen Spray - Propriety Base, Natural Fragrance Oil
Return any of the following Disaster Kraft items and get 1000 Scent Cents added to your member account. Must include all pieces listed. No need to clean out the items.
Candles - Return Jar & Lid
Wax Meltin - Top & Bottom
Room/Body/Linen Spray -Bottle & Functioning Spray Top
Rollerball Perfume - Rollerball Top, Lid & Bottle